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About us

2024-03-20 02:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Value is the third cornerstone in the ViCre philosophy. Just like embracing chaos, and the capacity to dream, we esteem value creation as a critical asset for good leadership and an enterprise’s survival. Value comes in many shapes and sizes. Due to global market shifts, political power play, societal trends, or just the mood of the day on social media, what is worth paying for (customers), working for (employees) or investing in (shareholders), may be worthless tomorrow. Value is an irrational, ephemeral thing, and value erosion forces organizations to continuously act upon market changes and innovate non-stop to create new and different sorts of value.

We believe value creation in enterprises can only be achieved by a constructive attitude; an attitude of adding something meaningful. It is acquired by a collective mental alertness and repeated alignment and engagement with all stakeholders in the value creation process, resulting in value chains that are engineered and managed to perfection.







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